With Our Platform, Flexibility and Scalability Define the Opportunity
As the provider of an enabling platform, our success at Pareteum is bound to the success of our customers. Whether they are mobile brands, IoT service providers, or enterprises, our business grows in line with the growth in their demand for the resources and capabilities we provide.
This is particularly true for the IoT service providers and mobile brands we launch and support through the Pareteum Experience Cloud platform. When they win in the market, they increase their spend.
So how do we secure our own success? By making sure that our customers succeed! After all, we can provide everything our customers need to create services, take them to market, and manage and engage with their customers.
This is not only about our platform. We have invested heavily in our account management and customer advocacy program, building a consultative relationship with our customers that evolves from sales and service deployment, and allows them to benefit from the wisdom built up through our wider ecosystem.
So while our customers decide on their approaches, their target markets, the products and services they want to launch, and so on — we provide the capabilities and guidance, the ‘enablement’ which allows our customers to execute on their own unique strategies and business models.
Another key factor in our success is the flexibility and scalability of our platform. We have seen tremendous revenue growth year over year and quarter over quarter, and this is being driven to a significant extent by the rapid rate at which we are adding new customers who create and deliver branded services to end users.
Part of the beauty of the Experience Cloud is just how quickly and cost-efficiently we can bring new customers online. It allows us to launch new brands and service providers, anywhere in the world, in a matter of days, with minimal time or financial cost — to them or to us.
The flexibility of the platform gives us the ability to do this in a broad array of geographical and vertical markets, and its scalability means we face almost no restrictions in the number of new customers we can enable.
Today some of our customers are large, such as Lowi in Spain, a disruptive mobile brand launched on our platform by Vodafone. Or Singaporean mobile leader M1 which has selected our platform as the basis for the creation of an IoT hub across Asia Pacific.
Others, such as Wing Mobile in the U.S., have gained traction and are now in the expansion phase. Some are established brands in adjacent markets looking to leverage existing consumer relationships. And many others are just starting out, perhaps with community-based or highly targeted propositions in markets all over the world.
Clearly we cannot expect them all to take huge market share, or even to become sufficiently established to have a good chance at doing so, but some of those customers will become very large and very successful, and we will support them on that journey! We put ourselves in the best position for success by enabling as many of them as we can and, in recent quarters, we have been winning new customers on an almost daily basis.
This is part of what we mean when we talk about our mission” to connect every person and every (thing): If there is an IoT or mobile brand market you want to serve, we will connect you to that market with a minimum of fuss, effort and cost. We will do our best to help you to succeed. We’ll give you easy access to a highly sophisticated and effective platform for the creation and delivery of services and end user experiences. We will underpin your growth at whatever pace you require.
And we will repeat this process indefinitely such that, while some of our customers might not get their desired outcome, those that do win in the market will do so in partnership with Pareteum.
Their success will be our success, and our platform will enable that success to take root, and to flourish.