Blog Feature

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Pareteum Experience Cloud | Enterprise Solutions 

Pareteum Experience Cloud for Enterprise Quick Hitters: Product Name: Pareteum Experience Cloud for Enterprise Product Suite: Mobility, Engagement, Intelligence, Control Sectors: Enterprise, Loyalty Pareteum Experience Cloud for Enterprise facilitates a wide range of enterprise communications solutions — from secure global connectivity, to comprehensive customer engagement, and beyond! Have any questions about Pareteum Experience Cloud for Enterprise? Let’s chat!   What is Pareteum...
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Blog Feature


How SMS Can Help the Travel Industry Navigate the Age of Coronavirus

Key Takeaways: Coronavirus has had substantial economic consequences. The travel industry has been particularly hard hit. SMS can help travel-oriented businesses navigate the age of coronavirus by improving customer support and increasing customer outreach. How can Pareteum Messaging improve your business? Let’s chat!   The World Health Organization...
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Blog Feature

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Tutela: US Cable MVNOs Find Extraordinary Value in Wi-Fi Offload 

Chances are, if you’re not intimately entangled with the mobility industry, you haven’t been paying too much attention to the continued rise of the Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO). Indeed, aside from such things as the Huawei ban, Net Neutrality, the state of 5G and Wi-Fi 6, and FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s affinity...
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Blog Feature

Blog  |  Product

Pareteum Messaging | SMS Engagement That Gets Results  

SMS Quick Hitters: Product Name: Pareteum Messaging Product Suite: Engagement Sectors: Service Providers, Enterprise, Loyalty, etc. Pareteum’s Experience Cloud Messaging Solution offers programmable B2B and B2C messaging across a wide range of mobile and social channels with global reach and simple API integration. Have any questions about Pareteum Messaging?...
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Blog Feature

Blog  |  IoT

Reviewing Forrester’s Five IoT Predictions for 2020 

Earlier this year, the folks over at Forrester, the American market research company, made five IoT predictions for 2020. These were aimed at helping CIOs and their organizations maneuver the ever-evolving IoT ecosystem. Granted, the year took a rather unexpected turn. Nevertheless, as we wade our way into the second half of 2020, we’d like to...
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Blog Feature

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A Pareteum VMS Profile | Multi-tenant, API-driven Voicemail 

Pareteum VMS Quick Hitters: Product Name: Voicemail Service (VMS) Product Suite: Mobility Sectors: Telecom, MVNO, ISP, MVNE, Cable Operators, etc. In Numbers: We power more than 6 million active voice mailboxes Our multi-tenant, API-driven voicemail solution supports over 100 features, settings, and options, enabling a...
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Blog Feature

Blog  |  Product

A Pareteum IVR Profile | Scalable Interactive Voice Response

Pareteum IVR Quick Hitters: • Product Name: Interactive Voice Response (IVR) • Product Suite: Engagement • Sectors: Financial, Telecom, Enterprise, etc. • In Numbers: We handle over 100 million annual calls for our customers. Pareteum Interactive Voice Response enables users to build intelligent, effective, voice-based customer engagement...
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Blog Feature

Blog  |  Company  |  Enterprise  |  IoT

Eight Ways SMS Messaging Can Improve Your Business

At the tail end of 2019, we published a post on this blog that encouraged readers not to miss the forest for the trees. We noted that a yawning chasm has apparently opened between businesses and their consumers regarding the utility SMS marketing — one that enterprising organizations...
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Blog Feature

Blog  |  Enterprise  |  IoT  |  Mobile Brands

Keeping the World Connected | Webinar 

Our first webinar on the Pareteum Experience Cloud platform is officially in the books. And, as the old saying goes, that’s a wrap! The presentation, which was titled ‘Keeping the World Connected: The Pareteum Experience Cloud,’ was presented by Mehul Vora, our Vice President of Sales Engineering. During the webinar he covered a lot of ground; he...
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Blog Feature

Blog  |  Enterprise

Crisis Management A Pareteum Messaging Success Story

The Pareteum Experience Cloud Messaging Solution was chosen by a developer of crisis management and early warning systems to deliver emergency SMS alerts. Any marketer can tell you that SMS messaging campaigns are among the most effective ways to engage customers and consumers. Indeed, according to a study by the...
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